Book Reading and Talk: Author of “Dogland,” Tommy Tomlinson

Book Reading and Talk: Author of “Dogland,” Tommy Tomlinson

Author Tommy Tomlinson talks about his new book, "Dogland," and his experiences on the dog show circuit.

Dog Lovers! FREE Event
Come! Sit! Stay!
The Lanier Library Presents
“Dogland” Author Tommy Tomlinson
Sunday, March 30
3 pm at Tryon Fine Arts Center

Tommy Tomlinson traveled for three years to more than a hundred dog shows from Midwest fairgrounds to Madison Square Garden, following Striker, a champion Samoyed, and his handler Laura King. Hear his true-life experiences about the dog show circuit, and his new book.

A reception and author meet-and-greet follow the presentation next door at The Lanier Library.

The Lanier Library is usually dog-friendly. However, due to the large scale of this event, please leave your pups at home, and give them extra treats and ear scratchies, when you return.

Public admission is free, thanks to support from the Kirby Endowment Fund at the Polk County Community Foundation.

The Lanier Library
72 Chestnut St., Tryon, NC 28782
For more info, call The Lanier Library at 828-859-9535


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