AmericanaAmphitheaterPromo – HD 720p
Americana Amphitheater Concert Lineup
Thursdays in May @ 6:30 pm, Peterson Amphitheater
Individual tickets in advance are $10 (plus fees + taxes) or $12 at the door on the day of show.
May 2 David Childers & The Serpents — What a great show. Packed amphitheater! Thank you David for kicking off the series.
May 9 The Krickets — Wow. Sweeter than tupelo honey! The Krickets were simply amazing!
May 16 Songs From The Road Band — A new genre of bluegrass we’re calling Killergrass, ’cause SFTRB slayed it! Packed amphitheater!
May 23 Ever More Nest
May 30 Alice Wallace Band
Beer, wine and beverages will be available. We have Food Trucks for each event so you can come to the show, catch a bite to eat for dinner, and enjoy the music, as well as the stunning beauty of the amphitheater at sunset and under the lights! It’s no wonder we pack it in on Thursdays in May!
No Coolers or Outside Beverages Allowed!
(Sorry, ABC License doesn’t permit at our venue)