Summer Theater Camp 2025

Summer Theater Camp 2025

Let's put on a play in ONE week! An immersive and fun theater experience for kids!

Presented in collaboration with Tryon Little Theater, Tryon Fine Arts Center’s annual Summer Theater Camp allows campers to put on a fully-staged production in just one week!

Public Performance: Saturday, August 2 10:00 – 10:30 AM, Tryon Fine Arts Center Veh Stage
Free Admission

Campers learn about the ins and outs of theater production – from auditions on Monday morning to a fully-staged public performance with lights, sound, sets, props and costumes on Saturday!

Campers will arrive on Monday at Tryon Little Theater’s Sunnydale where they will rehearse, make sets and costumes for the performance. On Friday, everything moves to the main stage at Tryon Fine Arts Center (TFAC) for technical and dress rehearsals. The public is invited to a free performance of the campers performance at TFAC on Saturday morning followed by a reception.

If your child has an interest in theater, there is no better immersive summer camp to learn about all of the aspects involved in putting on a show! Parents, you’ll be amazed at how your child will team with other kids, gain on-stage experience, and boost their overall confidence through this camp experience.




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