Ever More Nest

Ever More Nest

Rooted in Southern musical traditions - infused with confessional 90's angst

Join us on Thursday’s in May for a great line up of musical acts. Individual tickets are $10 in advance (plus taxes & fees) or $12 at the door.

No Coolers or Outside Beverages Allowed – Sorry, ABC permit doesn’t allow.


Like the homesteaders of her native Mississippi River Delta, Ever More Nest builds houses of emotion among fields of mercy, forests of fears, and streams of consciousness. These are houses that are lived in, that draw in visitors to comfortable confines with the promise of warmth despite the dust, grit, and dangers of the day.

Ever More Nest’s dynamic, homegrown voice—hugged by lush, church-pew harmonies—is complemented by ghostly, effusive guitars, spirited mandolin and banjo, mournful fiddle, and a rhythm section steady as a country train.

A native of North Louisiana, Ever More Nest’s Kelcy Wilburn (“Kelcy Mae”) was equally influenced by the gospel, country, and blues of her Bible Belt hometown as she was by the emotional rawness of the artists that consumed her generation. At 18, she moved to New Orleans, where open-mindedness and acceptance gave her the freedom to be herself and to find her voice.

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